Saturday 19 May 2007

Alterations to the newly acquired Shed

Saturday 19th May 2007. We acquired the other half of the plot last Friday 11th May. We have filled a builders skip full with the rubbish the previous tennant had left. Now the hard work has started to re-vamp the shed first to how we want it. I have taken some before and after photos for you to look at.

This is the front left corner of the shed.

This is the back elevation

Now after just one hour here is what I have achieved.

What I am proposing to do is brick the front road elevation up completely and then I have been given a plastic door and frame for the end elevation. I have a plastic window for the back elevation so I will need to brick up to the cill height and then fit the window. On the inside I am going to take the green frame out and block up the wall with a doorway leading into the greenhouse. The greenhouse will have a new frame put on it once I have finished the shed.

1 comment:

Ziggywigs said...

Fantastic, it's amazing what you've achieved. You're a human JCB! Look forward to seeing your progress.